Homeless Off Street Sanctuary Network Composite Index Score
Example of suitable site identified using Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) in West Los Angeles.
Recommended Citation
Rodman-Alvarez, Mattheis-Brown, de la Rosa (2021) Homeless Off Street Sanctuary Composite Index Score. Los Angeles, CA. Pacific Urbanism. Retrieved from https://www.pacificurbanism.org/publications/homeless-off-street-sanctuary-composite-index-score
The Center for Pacific Urbanism has inventoried potentially suitable sites for homeless off street sanctuary using GIS and other planning support tools, sorted by feasibility according to developing criteria. This report publishes the most recent suitable sites analysis for homeless sanctuary ranked by a composite score that takes into account size (site area), density of unsheltered individuals, road access, topographic slope, proximity to fire hydrants and sewer, market rate of land, ecology, and land use compatibility.
The Center manages this comprehensive database of sites (and related resources) for the public good. If you would like to see an interactive map of the sites in Los Angeles County, please contact us at info@pacificurbanism.org.